Thursday, September 3, 2009

Why is Health Insurance so Expensive?

First, people who oppose the president’s direction on health care are not necessarily “for the status quo.” Secondly, the notion that this is about gov’t getting involved is bogus because State & Federal gov’ts have been increasingly involved for 50 yrs. I believe that it is a major factor in “the problem” and yet all we seem to talk about is MORE of it.

Here is 1 example of many I could list: Rethink the way we think about health services in general.

For example- Why are we willing to pay 2k for a flatscreen but not for a colonoscopy?

Most people would say- there’s insurance for that which I get through my job. This is largely viewed as a “benefit”, or some kind of employer subsidized freebie so we are less likely to examine what this coverage really costs. That makes it more likely we’d like everything covered down to $10.00 co-pays at the Dr’s office.

Imagine if you were buying auto insurance and you wanted to be covered for an oil change, gas fill ups etc- What do you think premiums for that would run you? What if everybody thought the same way? What do you think that would do to the price of “health care” for your car?
I think that we should get the employer out from between you & your health insurance provider, but that’s not the direction in which we’re headed. All we seem to talk about is more gov’t mandates on business & and its all sold in the name of compassion.
As I said, that’s just 1 example of how gov’t’s involvement distorts the system and I don’t hear too many politicians on the Right or Left talk about it because they quite rightly assume that most people have been conditioned to think they shouldn’t have to pay in the first place and of course that’s the obvious irony here because that’s exactly what people are complaining about!