Thursday, April 19, 2007

Last night N-A-U students hosted a vigil for victims of the Virginia Tech massacre. N-A-U Student Body President Eric Norgard said, "the vigil will include 33 minutes of silence in recognition of all who died Monday."

The murderer is now a victim.


Wed 4-18-07
Out of the mouths of college kids?
The the dumbest thing I heard all day was from a 19 yr-old Montclair State University freshman, Justin Heba who sympathized with the mass murderer at Virginia Tech.

"Cho Seung-Hui lived eight-thousand, four hundred, and eighty-nine days. I and no reasonable person, or diety, could or should allow the events of one of them discount the other eight-thousand, four-hundred, and eighty-eight."


You could say the same thing about any homicde bomber or the terrorists who flew the planes into the World Trade Center. I wonder if, especially after this stupid Imus let's make nice and not upset anybody exercise in political correctness, we are losing the ability to condemn even those who would kill us.

Tues- 4-17-07
Tax Day:
I believe that if the government suspended withholding taxes and instead, required individuals to cut a check to the Feds- there would be rioting in the streets!
Also: People who "celebrate" refunds crack me up. The U.S. Treasury uses your money tax-free, and when and if you get a portion of it back- you're thrilled?

The mass murder at Virginia Tech:
Contrary to the European press and our own Barack Obama, this incident says nothing about us as a society. Cho Seung Hui did all the killing yesterday. He had a warped mind- before he blew it out of his head. Cut & Paste the link below to see a piece of "creative" writing he did in English class.

Mon 4-16-07
32 murdered today at Virgina Tech, "a gun free zone."
I can already hear the calls for more gun control, but statistics show that guns are used to prevent crimes more often than to commit them. Oddly enough we don't get this perspective from the liberal media.

John Lott, author of More Guns Less Crime will be on my show @ 6p Tuesday.

Frid. 4-13-07
Because you checked out my Crummey blog- know this!

Presidential candidate Congressman Tom Tancredo will be appearing on my show Tuesday, April 24 @ 6:00p.

Thurs. 4-12-07
This Imus thing is a parade of liberal phonys.
1) Imus in Al Sharpton's studio saying he didn't think his comments were funny. That's B.S. because he's built a 30 year career laughing about these kinds of insults. Odds are he still thinks its funny but he has to pretend he doesn't.

2) The Media, Al Sharpton & Jessie Jackson. The cowards who present these two posers as if they are the moral authorities on race know all too well and good about their hypocritical pasts, and yet do not confront them with it.

3) Les Moonves at CBS and Steve Capus, President of NBC News- the weasel twins. If they're so concerned why didn't they fire this guy years ago?
Why didn't they fire him last week? They get busy only now that the sponsors have bailed, yet they claim its not about the money!

btw: Moonves is the personification of what George Bush called "the soft bigotry of lowered expectations."

Here is what he said yesterday about the Rutgers women:

"There has been much discussion of the effect language like this has on our young people, particularly young women of color trying to make their way into society. That consideration has weighed most heavily on our minds as we made our decision."

Separate and not-so-equal, Les?

Wed 4-11-07
A Tale of 2 Teams
All charges in the Duke University lacrosse case were dropped today by the Attorney General of North Carolina, Roy Cooper.

He said the three men were not only innocent of the alleged rapes, but that evidence of their innocence had been surpressed by the District Attorney, Michael Nifong!

It's interesting to note that while the media spends some time on the racial underpinnings of this year-long bogus prosecution, in the case of the Rutgers women's basketball team- it's all front and center.

Wed 4-11-07
Evil thoughts
Lately Barry Young's been talking about me.
You, sir are doing the Lord's work!

Tues 4-10-07
Victimhood & Guilt: Liberalism's marriage of convenience

C. Vivian Stringer, coach of the Rutgers women's basketball team weighed in on the "nappy-headed ho's" controversy: "what woman wants to be called a ho?"

A player, Matee Ajavon said, "this has scarred me for life."

Another complained of "deep sadness."

Yet another talked about the "hurt" and that Imus knows "not one of us personally."

The irony is that these people probably don't know much about Imus either, but when liberals get together to celebrate victimhood you've got to have a perpetrator, and Imus wears the guilt like a pro.

Move over Michael Richards. There's a new boogieman in town!

Mon 4-09-97
President Bush was in Yuma today talking about comprehensive immigration reform.

He insists on tying it to "border security."

This is ridiculous. There is no connection.

Border Security is the one issue upon which we all agree, yet conservatives are told we can't get it unless we agree to a bunch of stuff we don't really want?

Why is that?

Mon 4-02-07
Vacation Confessions...
This really belongs in my "Evil Thoughts" section.

On weekends, my wife and I like to walk into "Open Houses" at expensive homes like we're big-time buyers. Yeah, I'm Donald Trump.

What a riot!

Thurs 3-29-07
Does the Media distort to bum you out?

I'm on vacation right now and I'm reading this Rueters story,
"Mortgage crisis hits million dollar homes."

First they mention that 1 in every 200 borrowers defaults on their loan and then they say that the percentage of foreclosures on rich-guy homes is more than 2.5 percent!


Less than one out of every 100 buyers will flake on their loan and the hit rate for good loans to rich guys is greater than 97%!

Talk about doom and gloom pimps.

Tues 3-27-07
I notice how Greta is fretting over the death of Anna Nicole's son, Daniel.

Was it suicide, murder or an accident?"

The real story behind her son's death is that he never had much of a chance as long as she was his mother.

Mon 3-26-07
The Tillman story today was a classic example of bureaucratic double-speak. We heard from Brigadier Gen. Rodney Johnson, he's Commander of the U.S. Army Criminal Investigations Command.

He said, "Corporal Tillman's chain of command made critical errors in the reporting and assigning investigative jurisdiction in the days following his death."

Whatever, Rodney, looks like corporate whitewash to me.

Bottom line: Don't try to make it seem like some guy somewhere forgot to sign off on some paperwork. This was most likely somebody's decision.

Who was it?

Sat 3-24-07
Saturday morning at the Crummey compound.
My son, Eddie is watching Cartoon Network while enjoying a breakfast of corned beef hash, which he was eating raw out of the can before I busted him. But hey, that's a 7 yr old for you.

Meanwhile Juan & Jose (U.S. citizens) are down at the street building me a staircase. Just this week Juan told me he had worked with a guy last Saturday who was pretty good but they picked him up at Home Depot.

"Do you want to hire him?" he asked.

Honestly, a few years ago I would have said, yes. Jose knows I'm a talk radio host and a few minutes ago he asked me if I was a Minuteman- you know, one of those guys who hates Mexicans.

I set that hombre straight:

"Minutemen don't hate Mexicans- they hate illegal immigration!"

Its obvious a lot of people in the "community" don't get the difference and the mainstream/leftist media likes it that way. I'll work on these two. By the end of the day I'll report back here with further info.

Thur 3-22-07
Sympathy bump for John Edwards?

I don't get it, John That press conference today was really weird. Let me get this straight. Your wife, Elizabeth finds out she's got stage 4 cancer but she wants you to go on with the campaign, eh?

Let's see.

She's got 2 kids- 6 & 8 and less than 20% chance she'll make it 5 years even with the heavy chemo coming which would be majorly compromised by the incredible stress of a U.S. Presidential campaign.

Wow. Given all this it must be really gratifying you've got her support John, but let me ask you a question, "Does she have yours?"

I mean, while I'm all warm & fuzzy knowing I can affirm your life by voting for you in 2008 beyond that, why would it be good for the United States to elect a President distracted by a wife who's dying of cancer?

btw: Speaking of liberals, did you see the movie, The American President w/ Michael Douglas? I believe his character's wife died of cancer during the campaign.

Al Gore testified today on Capitol Hill that the Earth "has a fever," and that we've got a "true planetary emergency."

I don't doubt he believes this but then it's also fair to imagine what it would have been like had our war on Terror been prosecuted with him as President. Yikes! (Maybe we could purchase some terror offsets from Al Qaeda?)

I thought you'd like the link below. I based a lot of today's show on it.

A Skeptic's Guide to Debunking Global Warming Alarmism
Skeptics_Guide.pdf | 2.3 MBs

Just a thought on Wednesday morning..... As long as President Bush is cleaning house with those U.S. attorneys- I've got a suggestion. Fire Johnny Sutton in Texas!

Cowboy up, Mr. President, you're going to get the subpoenas anyway!

Bring 'em on!