Friday, May 7, 2010

That Al Sharpton is presented as a quotable advocate for civil rights is the best evidence that the issue has been trivialized

Friday, April 23, 2010

A few thoughts on Arizona's SB-1070
This law does not change the mechanics of a traffic stop or the circumstances under which the cops can pull you aside and ask you for an ID. This has been decided at the Federal level by US Supreme Court and cannot be changed by Russell Pearce or anybody else in AZ. Saying this law is racist does not make it so.
This morning the President has said that SB-1070 is unfair and there have been numerous attempts in the media by activists to seize the moral high ground claiming they care about those who want a better life for themselves & their children. Maybe so, but this is selective compassion and it is the rufuge of hipocrites.
Where are all the stories about the damage done to our own citizens especially low skilled Latinos who must compete with a flood of illegal immigrants for jobs?
Where are all the stories about the downward pressure on wages in this already depressed job market?
Where are all the stories about those who play by the rules & attempt to become citizens legally?
All of this is largely ignored by the “compassionate.”
Some say the Arizona can’t afford it. Under the present circumstances that may also be true. But then again this question begs another question.
Where are all the stories about the cost of illegal immigration?
The bottom line?
Ultimately some kind of path-to-citizenship may be the only solution.
So here’s a tip for the The President & the Feds:
You’d get a lot more support if you got serious about border enforcement.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

60/40 Gov. Jan Brewer will sign the "evil" immigration law. If she does nothing & lets it pass automatically- she'll get hammered anyway & to her supporters she'll look weak. Odds r- she'll sign it.

I especially like the comments from the good Cardinal in L.A. saying it encourages people to turn on each other in Nazi- and Soviet-style repression.

Ever notice that when people are losing arguments they drag Hitler into it?

Saturday, April 17, 2010

This week's ICE bust in AZ is a joke. Its politically timed because the locals are getting restless- and the media & the public are being snowed. The NYTimes described it as an ongoing operation for 10 years but the Feds were powerless to do anything about it because those sneaky Mexicans were switching in and out of transportation like so many Chinese fire drills and they were using a fleet of Vans!

OMG- How DID ICE ever figure that one out!

Here's how it works.

AZ Rancher gets shot at border. Bad guy gets away. People get pissed. AZ passes (or is about to) pass a tough State law outlawing what is already Federally illegal thereby exposing those enablers in Washington.

Then... Prez. Obama calls Janet Napolitano & Janet calls ICE in AZ. Conversation goes something like this:

Janet: "Hey, we need to look busy. What have you got in the pipeline?"

ICE guy: "Well, we could bust that van operation in PLAIN sight in Tucson & Phx....."

Janet: "Good- Pull the trigger & let's get some press."

Bottom line: Does anybody think this "historic" bust is going to change anything?